Monday, 12 July 2010

THEGAMINGEXPERIENCE will be back soon.....

Now that the blog is up and running i have some bad news. I probably won't be doing any blogs until August at the earliest as my PS3 is broken at the moment. So to keep you on your toes heres a sneak preview of whats coming up.
I may possibly do a review of a PS3 slim depending on the feedback i get. I hope to pre-order assassins creed brotherhood, so hopefully if all circumstances line up i should be able to get access to the BETA and i could tell you about that. In october it's my birthday and i plan to buy an xbox 360 slim and fallout new vegas so there should be some reviews there. Anyway i hope you stay tuned for all that and a personal thanks from the gaming experience.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Metal gear solid: Peacewalker review

Kojima's new installment in his spectacular metal gear saga has arrived. Peacewalker is funnily the biggest Metal gear game but is on sony's smallest system. This is my review on the newest, biggest installment.
Let's start with the graphics. Peacewalker's graphics are amazing for the PSP. The graphics are just as good as the graphics in God of war: Chains of olympus, which is hailed as being the game with the best graphics on the PSP system. The game's enviroments look amazing and are extremely diverse, from abandoned mining villages (above) to lush jungles.
The gameplay in Peacewalker is what you would expect in a Metal gear game but with a lot more. The stealth elements are present but you are given the opportunity to prepare for each mission by chosing your character, uniform, weapon and items. This gives a more strategic element to the game. One of the funnest things about the game is making your own motherbase, an offshore base, and upgrading it. There is so much to do in Peacewalker, you can recruit troops, capture vehicles and even create the first of big boss's metal gears.
As usual with kojima's games Peacewalker has a brilliant story.(MGS3 SPOILERS!) In peacewalker Big boss is hired by a KGB agent to remove the CIA from costa rica, He's reluctant at first but when his hirer offers a tape that could prove that the boss, his mentor, is still alive he accepts but soon finds himself in another plot which could lead to the end of the world (SPOILERS OVER). There is about 30 story missions, which for the first time are replayable without starting a new game, and over 100 extra ops. Extra ops vary from simple demolition missions to fighting monsters.
For the first time ever in peacewalker you can play the missions co-operatively in a mode called CO-OPS. The CO-OPS allows up to two players to complete normal missions and up to four to complete the boss battles, this is good as some of the boss battles are extremely difficult. there is also a multiplayer mode with game modes similar to that of MGO but unfortunately there is no WI-FI multiplayer.
Overall peacewalker is definetly one of the metal gear games and fits nicely into the naked snake story. It is one of the best PSP games standing tall besides god of war and resistance.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Red Dead Redemption Review

It's very seldom that a game that makes you shout "YEE-HA!" roll's into town but with that there Red dead redemption it's just a phenomenal game. Now putting the western speak aside, Red dead redemption is a truly ground breaking game.
To start with the graphics in Red dead are astounding. The scenery is just astounding and although at first glance it may appear to be repetitive the scenery is quite varied from snowy mountains to forrests to completely desolate canyons. The characters and creatures look realistic and believeable with over 60 different species of animals to hunt. Even every gunshot makes a character react differently with a shot to the leg with a revolver forcing him to get on the ground and writhe in agony and a shot to the chest with a shotgun forcing him to fly back with the sheer force of the shot.
The story of Red dead is a definite western story. The story puts you in the boots of John Marston, an ex-gang member who tries to put his blood-soaked and guilt-ridden past behind him but things don't go quite like he planned. The missions are always interesting and you can replay them, which i always enjoy.
The gameplay in Red Dead is absolutely brilliant. It's shooter elements are amazing and feels less clumsy than rockstar's previous game Grand theft auto 4. Other aspects of the game make the gameplay diverse from racing to cattle herding to poker. You feel completely free to do what you want in the brilliant world.
Finally, Red dead's multiplayer is, in my opinion, the funnest on the market. The multiplayer is almost like a down-sized MMO. The gang hideout's serve as dungeons or raids, the posse's serve as guilds and the game types serve as PVP.
In conclusion, Red Dead Redemption is one of the best games on the market right now and is a guaranteed must-buy.
RATING= 10/10